Friday, September 26, 2014

Sense of Self

Opportunity for Kindness

    An important aspect of my "sense of self" would have to be the trait of kindness.  Although it's difficult to treat all people with kindness, important people in my life have raised me with an awareness to the feelings of others.  This above all other characteristics has been instilled in my from a young age and now I try to carry it into my interactions with others.  I've found that this tendency makes me prone to being too trusting of others.  I also have the tendency to let my own self esteem wane based on the way others treat me.

   Stubbornness and hardheadedness is a trait that I, unfortunately, exhibit frequently.  When faced with contradiction or constructive criticism I automatically want to continue doing things my way. Because of this, I have the tendency to mentally shut down against those people and situations that might push me out of my comfort zone.  


     These images show the affinity I have for education.  I love learning about new things.  I am intrigued by certain topics and love learning more about them.  This connection with learning has obviously influenced my choice of occupation, but it's also impacted how I choose to use my time and money.  Growing up, I always wanted to learn about new places and cultures.  Watching movies and shows about faraway places made me want to go there and experience them.  As an adult, used my financial resources to make traveling a priority.  While on trips, I fill my time with museums and guided tours, learning and experiencing as much as I can.

   I see myself as a "people person" - I seek out fulfilling and supportive relationships.  Although "alone time" is nice, I am more happy when I am with someone or people whom I care about and who care about me.  In this way, family is an important component of my life.  More than any other, my relationship with my husband Jake provides me with emotional support and happiness.  Having my daughter has also intensified this aspect of myself.  I want to spend more time interacting with her, than on other activities/endeavors. 

On a less personal level, this trait makes me seeking out connections with coworkers and acquaintances.  I despise confrontation of all forms and prefer stable, positive relationships with those around me.

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